Who is Dizzy Charlie?

My name is Sara Vaas and I’m a westside neighbor and volunteer, entrepreneur and community organizer.

I’m inspired by my grandpa, David Charles Vaas, who was a composer, big band arranger and who toured with a jazz band & visited the Broadmoor in the late 40's.

With over 10 years of nonprofit and community organizing experience, I bring a unique perspective to the live music and entertainment business. After booking bands as a volunteer for the last 3 years for the Bancroft Park summer concert series, I have gained relationships with local bands, experience with marketing, and a deep passion for live jazz.

Everybody Welcome is a slogan from Fannie Mae Duncan in the 50s where she posted a sign outside of the Cotton Club telling the community that white and black people alike were welcome in her jazz club.

For me, Everybody Welcome means Come as You Are. Jazz is meant for everybody, it’s dirty and historic and should be accessible to everyone whether you’ve just come off the trail, or you’re dressed up for a date or on your own after work.

I believe that at the heart of music is community and cultivating experiences where


is key to Dizzy Charlies.