Peak Performances, Every Time.

Your an expert at your craft, but what does it take to make a magical night - EVERY NIGHT?

We have some ideas!

Our acts are all tallented and have amazing gifts to give the world, but what makes Dizzy Charlie’s acts different from others is their focus on giving the audience and the venue what they want.

With Dizzy Charlie’s acts, we take connection, community and cooperation seriously. We encourage and expect our amazing acts to operate with great respect to the following guidelines.

  1. Don’t just “respect” the venue representatives bring them in, make friends! Life is about relationships and what a great opportunity to go for it.

  2. Mind your volume. Trust us, we know how it is - you get ripping and it’s easy to lose track of loudness. But the difference between a great show and a bad one can be whether the volume is appropriate for the space. Being too loud can be socially or even physically uncomfortable and make people leave. Watch your volume so you don’t accidentally do that to the audience, yourselves, and the venue.

  3. Ask for what you need from your Dizzy Charlies representative. We’re here to help with loading in and out, equipment, stuff like power cords, your food and drink tab, and other communication with the bar.

  4. Serve the audience. Invite them in with dialogue and questions. Use the mic, and make friends with the room. Be a true entertainer and bring your energy to people, don’t simply play your instrument. Show up as a fully formed ACT!

  5. Tell your audience who you and how to find you frequently, even share very brief stories about the songs if you choose. This is your chance to build your fanbase.

  6. Remember your role. To provide an amazing atmosphere and entertainment. It’s paid for by people feeling good and sticking around to buy plenty of food and drinks. Do whatever it takes to support a great time for all.

  7. Talk to your fans on your set breaks. Get their contact email. Take pictures together and post them. Ask them what songs they’ve liked so far. This is your chance to create connection.

  8. Be a person. Yes. you’re there to play. But you’re also there to make people feel great. Make sure all members of your act are friendly and personable (yes, even the drummer). Who knows - your new bestie might just be in the crowd.